I´m currently in Algarve, south of Portugal, were I have been for the last 3 weeks. It´s a bit of a long story to explain how I ended up here, and why I am still here. But I will try to make it short.

Since the restrictions + regulations (regarding Covid-19) were getting stricter all the time in Andorra, and the weather just continued turning colder. I felt like I needed to “escape” for some time. This is one of the many benefits of working online, you can work from wherever.

So, the initial plan was to fly to Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, with our dog, Mamba. But the little fatty thing had gained some weight and was with the transport bag almost 2 kg overweight (max 8 kg with the bag – Mamba with the bag = 10 kg). I wouldn’t risk it that they don´t let us on the plane. Fuerteventura was also the initial destination because of the wind, so that we could practice some kitesurf, so I started checking alternative destinations for kitesurf that we could reach by car. After doing some research I ended up choosing between Tarifa and Algarve in Portugal, but I chose Algarve since I´ve never been here, and I am happy I did that. It is such a beautiful place, and the best part, not too many restrictions, and you can even walk on the street without a facemask since it is not obligatory.

So, I chose Algarve for Kitesurf, just 14 hours of driving and we´re ready to start kitesurfing – I thought. But you know, too many beautiful places to visit, work and the anxiety of suntanning have been taking over instead. More than 3 weeks have gone, and I still haven´t got my fatty ass on a kiteboard. I definitely do not regret coming here though, I love it here.

We were going to stay for 3 weeks, but since the situation in both Spain, Andorra and France is getting worse all the time with lockdowns, curfews, restrictions etc. We decided to stay here longer, to begin with we have now rented another house for 2 weeks. The weather is better here, and we have a big house with a garden and pool. I definitely prefer that than being closed in our apartment in Andorra, where I cannot even meet my friends due to all the bar and restaurant regulations. I do not know yet for how long we will stay here, but I mean, the ski season in Andorra starts soon, and I would never miss that!

I have way too many photos from the last 3 weeks, the beaches, cliffs and sunsets are just amazing. And they do not look even close to as beautiful as they are in real life. I hope you like them anyways.

Here you have some of my favourite pictures.

Andorra – Algarve: 2 days and 1420 km

We were actually going to stay in a hostel next to the highway in the middle of the trip, but the plans changed and we ended up in a 5-star spa hotel that allowed dogs. So here is a photo from Mambas first hotel experience.

House in Lagos VS house in Armação de Pêra

The first 3 weeks we stayed in a house next to the beach, around 5 min walking. Next to, there was also a really nice hiking route on the cliffs, where I went running many mornings. The house in Lagos was nothing special but the village was very nice although slightly too touristic for my taste. Because we wanted a change and we didn´t want to stay in the same house after these 3 weeks. I searched for another house, which ended up being in Armação de Pêra, the house we are currently staying in. Although it is a bit further from the beach, around 20 min walking, and the town is not much to talk about, I still prefer to be in this house. I guess you understand when you see the pictures next to each other.

Here is the house we rented in Lagos:


Here is the house we are currently staying in Armação de Pêra:



Lagos and surroundings

Arriving to Lagos was very nice, I mean 25 degrees, sun, beaches next to… Exactly what I needed. The cliffs and the beach that were 5 min walk from the house were these ones, so beautiful. I loved going hiking or running there. Or just for a short evening walk to the beachbar to watch the sunset with a glass of wine.


We have also been able to visit some really nice towns and other points of interest. So far my recommendations would be, if you visit Algarve, the beach part of the town Portimão is really nice and of course the village of Lagos. And also another highly recommended place to visit is the viewpoint in Lagos called Praia do Camilo (the last pictures with the caves).



We have also been working, actually a lot, although it might not look like that, but I mean who takes pictures when working? One day though, I felt really cool while sitting outside in the sun, smoking shisha and working, so I asked Jaume to take a picture as an evidence.



In the new house I have even managed to set up an epic office with sea views, I mean just look at this! (And yes, I have brought and extra computer screen with me all the way from Andorra haha).




Armação de Pêra and surroundings

The town as such is really not much to brag about, to be honest, it is quite ugly. The beachwalk and the hikingtrail on the cliffs might save it slightly. The beach that is around 20 minutes walking from the house is around 5 km long, and it is actually nice, especially in the mornings if you go there for a morningrun.


Incredible sunsets

Last but not least, I want to add some pictures from some of the sunsets we have been seeing, they are truly magical here. The quality of the images is not maybe the best due to that I only use my phone for photos nowadays. If you are in south of Portugal – you must visit “the end of Europe”, in Sagres, and especially the Lighthouse of Cabo de São Vicente. It is the furthest point in southwest Europe.



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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.