The last days during our trip to India, we spend in Kerala, in the southwestern coast of India.

For me, and i think i can speak for all of us, it was the best place that we had visited during the whole trip. One of the reasons was the food. I liked the food in Kerala very much, they use coconut in almost all plates and sauces.

Another reason was that it´s cleaner than any other place we had visited, although there was still way, I mean WAY too much trash all over the places. In the end of the blogpost you can see a video of the true India, it’s very sad, but that is the full truth.

However, we did enjoy our stay in Kerala very much. We had rented a huge villa to begin with, wereafter we also stayed two days and a night living on a houseboat.

Living in a mansion in Kerala (Kochi)

Yea it was literally a mansion, I don’t even remember how many rooms we had. When entering the house there was also a fountain with fishes to welcome you. Another nice detail is that the sunset was very beautiful from the poolside.

And all of this – just for ourselves! (or at least that was what we thought)

What surprised us, was that the house actually came including 3 guys as “maids” (I have no clue if you can use that word for males, but I couldn’t find any equivalent word). So, yea, we had 3 guys cleaning, cooking and basically doing whatever we asked for, during our stay. I mean they didn’t even let me pour my own wine hahaha. It was kind of nice to feel so luxury for some time, but to be honest, I prefer to pour my own wine.

The price of renting a house like this, was a fair price of around 100€ / night – in total, not per person!

Here are some pictures from the house.


And without exaggerating, this was me during all these days. Suntanning, chilling and playing like a kid in the pool. Few relaxing days that was very much needed.



During the afternoons / nights, we visited Kochi, which is is a major port city on the south-west coast of India.



Here is as well few photos from some of the tasty dishes we ate in Kerala.


Living on a houseboat for 2 days

Kerala is known for houseboats and for a lot of lakes, rivers and canals. And one “must do” when visiting Kerala is to rent a houseboat in the canals situated in Alleppey (Alappuzha). So – I had obviously rented one (huge one, once again).

We stayed there for 2 days and 1 night, and I really enjoyed the experience. Very relaxing, since we didn’t actually do anything, just enjoying while the boat was cruising around in the small canals.

This was the houseboat we rented, it included 3 big bedrooms, 1 huuuuge dining area on the second floor, and 1 livingroom.


Here are some of my favourite shots from these days living on a houseboat:


Truth behind the photos

This is from the house we rented, it looks very beautiful and peaceful on all the pictures. But i wanted to show the truth of what actually awaits after the infinity pool…. Very sad that such a big country, with so many people just don´t care. I mean they throw literally everything on the streets, in the nature, in the rivers, lakes, in the forests …


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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.