I´ve just arrived back home to Andorra, after spending 2 lovely weeks in south of Spain. Visiting Cádiz, Tarifa, a lot of small and cute villages nearby, Marbella and Malaga. I have wayyyy too many photos since the sceneries wherever you basically go there, are breathtaking.

First, we spend 1 week in Cádiz, with our 2 very good friends, one of them from Cádiz, so we had a real professional tour guide with us. It is kind of a long way all down there from Andorra, but our car is really comfortable, so the 12-hour car trip was not too bad after all. And it was definitely worth it! I even got to try kitesurf, that I have wanted to try for a very long time.

Surprisingly, we had rented a house with swimming pool (again haha), that we also got to enjoy when we weren’t exploring all the awesome beaches and towns nearby.

Here are some of my favourite photos from Cádiz and the towns nearby.

Beach life

There are so many beautiful beaches in Cádiz, and although this province is known for the strong winds, we had an amazing time on the beaches.


Strolling around in cute towns

In the province of Cádiz there is plenty of small towns, mainly with buildings all in white. The towns we visited, and where the photos are from are: The capital city: Cádiz, Tarifa, Conil de la Frontera, Vejer de la Frontera and Chiclana de la Frontera.


Sunset spotting

The sunsets were so beautiful, and although the images do not show even close to how breath-taking they were, I wanted to add some anyways.


Kitesurfing in Tarifa

Although I just did a quick 2-hour beginners’ class, I completely fell in love with this sport. It might be that I have to return to the South in September again, to really learn how to kitesurf. Tarifa is a world known place for kitesurfing, and I can understand why, the wind was insane! It was nice though, since it was very hot, and with the wind you did not even realize that it was almost 40 degrees outside.


Marbella for 3 days

After 7 days of beach life, we continued our road trip to Marbella. I am not a super fan of this place, but it was on the way anyways, and they have some nice hotels there, so I thought, why not stay there for few days. In Marbella, it was all about working and chilling, a perfect combination I would say. Even better, there was almost nobody in the hotel – so the whole pool for me!


Last but not least – few days in Malaga

The reason why we ended up in Malaga, is that one of our good friends were as well doing a road trip in Spain, and we were both nearby Malaga at the same dates, so we decided to meet up there for few days. It was a nice city with a lot of ambient both during the day and the night. One of the days we also took the car and drove to a town called Nerja, where we did some kayaking and snorkelling.


One of the most typical foods in Malaga are the sardines that they cook like barbecue styled on the beach – delicious! So if you are heading there, be sure to try some.



And btw, the facemasks are obligatory again in both Spain and Andorra, so this was my real outfit everyday.




I am definitely one of those persons that need another vacation to be able to recover from the holidays. But, for now it is time to catch up with work and to try to get rid of those extra kilos that the summer holidays and quarantine has brought haha. I hope I am not the only one.


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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.