Summer has arrived in Andorra! And by this being said, I of course have managed to get a flu.

I mean who gets flu in the summer????

Now I´m already better, during the weekend I was suffering though. But I mean the weather was so awesome that I just needed to be outside.

Last weekend we spend up in the mountains, one day just chilling in a pool, and the other day hiking up in Grau Roig (a very beautiful place to hike in Andorra).  I did not have my camera with me so the quality of the pictures is not maybe the best, but you can still see how incredibly beautiful Andorra is during the summer.

Although I still have a bit of flu, I decided to try for the first time yesterday to play Paddle tennis. Aaaand I actually think I´ve found my new favorite hobby – it was so much fun! And even nicer since you usually are playing with a team of 2, in total 4 people in one game. So, you have to find some friends always to play with you.

That´s all from me this week, I´m a bit busy with work so there is not much free time right now. In the end of July I´m heading for a wedding in Italy, which is the next trip coming up.


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I´m Nina, a 33 year old Finnish girl currently living in Andorra. A lover of life and living my life to the fullest.